VIA 70 App
(Vile Parle, Irla, Andheri MCGM ward no. 70)
A unique, first-time-in-the-country tool for govt-citizen interface prepared by UPL Ltd and Shroff Family and social activist Mayank Gandhi with the support of the elected representative of ward 70 of MCGM, Mrs Sunita Mehta.
Decentralization: The 73rd amendment (1991) for decentralization of power in rural India has led to the creation of the Panchayati Bill, which has substantially improved governance in rural India. But there is an equal, if not more, need for decentralization in urban governance as per the 74th amendment.
Urban disconnect: Urban citizens have shortage of knowledge and involvement in the workings of local government.
Government working: Gap in communication between the govt machinery and the citizens reduces the performance of services and leads to discontent among citizens.
A model App has been created for one of the 227 municipal wards of MCGM to address the above concerns. This is an honest and non-political attempt to create a model for integrating urban citizens of India with the governance of their locality. This can be done by sharing of necessary information with citizens, involving them in day-to-day governance and empowering them with knowledge and data in an easy-to-access and user-friendly manner. This will serve as a model, which can then be replicated across various urban areas.
The app has the following features
Ward budget – details of works planned, work-in-progress and completed works VIA 70 ward. The app will allow citizens to rate the civic works done and also make comments on its quality and timelines. They can also suggest fresh work to be undertaken in the ward.
Complaint mechanism – Citizens will be empowered with information about the officers to whom civic complaints can be made with the necessary timelines. Escalation of complaints in case of failure to solve the complaints will be part of the App.
MCGM data – a complete data tree with various departments of the MCGM.
Ward data – Complete data of education institutes, health institutes and open spaces with Google map.
Important numbers can be accessed to report complaints in various other forums like Police, Traffic Police, Anti-corruption, elected representatives etc.
Volunteering opportunities in the ward.
Know your rights – citizen charters
Neighborhood chats – there will be multiple chat groups to encourage citizens to chat and discuss local civic issues.
Present Report:
Launched on 18thNov 2018
Till 25-Nov-18
Total No of installs
Total No of Users
Open Complaint (work-in-progress)
Closed Complaint (addressed satisfactorily)
Total Complaint
Total No of suggestions
Comments: 0
Fantastic work.very much needed.
What is the procedure to include my ward no. 200 for the same results
The road near Sane guruji school, Santacruz west is left unattended since years after the encroachment is removed till date nothing has been done.Only false promises by the area politicians that work will commence soon but don't know soon means before or after their tenure. The road is unable to walk or drive n to top it up with hawkers n illegal parking n workshops and fowl stink. Hope this problem is attended ASAP.
This is an App made for a particular area as a trial. If successful, and if the corporator is supportive, we can replicate it across urban India.
Thank you for this. It is indeed promising
Please guide the procedure to get our ward no 200 under this app
Arrange my meeting with your corporator after preparing him
Quite a revolutionary idea! Would be grateful to discuss how this can be implememted in Delhi and the challenges faced in terms of gathering data.
Fed up of hawkers menace at irla society road,no place to walk as foothpaths is occupied by hooligan hawker,ambulance gets stuck all the time in traffic
Will anyone help??????