Machiavellianism = employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft.
Today, crores are convinced about the Jan Lokpal Bill and have put their all at stake. The government has been forced by the public mood to agree for the joint committee.
If the Jan Lokpal Bill with all their provisions comes to force, the entire government machinery lubricated by corrupt money will be at stake. Do not underestimate the impact it will have on the present political system. The Jan Lokpal bill will not come about without a much bigger fight.
How will the establishment fight? Within and without?
Machiavellianism Within : In line with niggling and petty quibbling that has marked the government’s capitulation, the senior government ministers will keep on nibbling at some of the provisions of the Jan Lokpal Bill. But Annaji’s stand on live televisation of every meeting might checkmate some of the moves of the government. The readiness of Annaji and the civil society members to leave the committee and restart the public protest may put the dampers on the designs of the political establishment. The fight within has concrete people and definite ways of countering them.
Machiavellianism Without: This is the unknown element in a game played by the powerful interests. Attacks coming from shadows, lies and half-truths masquerading as public service, negative words thrown in the public sphere, no one that can be seen and countered, just allegations, mudslinging, smear campaign, whispering dark rumours emanating from nowhere and leaving questions in everyone’s minds. Soon, people will start wondering if Jan Lokpal is really a good thing or not. Civil society will be divided and people will be left confused. When the next round of rising up for the Jan Lokpal campaign will arrive, the unanimity of the people will be gone. Doubts, negative campaign will have sapped the enthusiasm of the people. That would be the plan of the establishment.
A few columnists, some journalists, bloggers, FB pages, government NGOs, some well meaning NGOs who have not been part of the core movement and feeling left out and party workers would be the tools of spreading this negativity.
How does one tackle this?
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Counter lies with truth, expose half truths, train activists in handling debates, distribute lakhs of copies of the salient points, open up the Jan Lokpal bill for more and more suggestions and objections, involve people at all stages, get the best experts to vet the bill and maintain openness, fairness, objectivity and honesty in all our responses.
Anna Hazareji today praised the village level administration system in Gujarat and Bihar and asked other governments to emulate the same. Now this will be twisted to mean support for anti-congressism to pro-BJP to pro- Narendra Modi, to support for the riots in Gujarat to pro-Hindu and pro-RSS stance to anti-minority and anti-Muslim attitude and then finally creation of insecurity and animosity for Anna and the movement in the minds of the minority. This has already started.
We need to use truth as our weapon. Counter the lies and the twisting using all tools possible. In my next blogs, I shall write about the other attacks and the reality, so that all right minded people can counter the Machiavellian tactics.
Comments: 0
Well thought off. It will take courage and self belief to bring about change.The corrupt will fight against it tooth and nail.But you know at last SATYAM MEVA JAYATE.
nice… hope everything happens for the good of the nation. People needed a direction and they have got it.
APtly put. This is one threat which people should be aware of and not fall in the trap.
I have also felt it. These are the raw tactics used by the Americans to cover up their wrong doings or to justify it. But we need to be open minded and believe only one person or a committee. But who is the one(right one)? And what are the means to negate all the lies and smear campaigns which is against this new found unity in India?
well it has already started. See how Ramdev's comments have been twisted and how Anna has to say things to prove that all is well. We indians have to understand that irrespective of what ever Ramdev feels or Anna feels, our core point is to get rid of Corruption. Our torch bearers may change hands but the torch should go on and on..
That is just brilliant! I am delighted that IAC has taken note of this blog.
yes mayank bhaiya……………the establishment will use all techniques and strategies and try to subvert the process by hook or by crook……………yes, as u said, we plan to counter this by going to the masses…… the grassroots……….to the common man. regards.
Vested interest are too entrenched in the system cutting across parties, newspapers, beourocracy,They will do their bes,if not to scuttle at least dilute the provisons in the Bill.Civil society ought to be extra vigilent…
it might be anything but it will prevent someone eating away thousands of crores from country's assets….this bill will require to be drafted very well but there is no other solution. Corruption has to go….otherwise we will be doomed by these…..i don't know how this shameless they can be…!! and what one is going to do with so much money????
Why would not Anna Hazare stand for election and run government and be part of the system as what Narendra Modi or Nitish Kumar are doing in their state respectively. Would Anna Hazre win public votes in elections?
agreed with whatever you said.Media is also part if this plan…
I agree with what Mayank and Sunil have said… And Sanjay I think Anna should not stand for elections … but if he did I would surely vote for him… But I do not think he will stand…
I don't want to be a spoilsport but My only doubt is "when congress is 90% responsible for present day corruption and misery then how can we think that they are honest and sincere about the bill"? How can they bring the bill to put them behind the bars? I think the govt got scared of Annaji's fast and the people's reaction to it .. In my opinion this notification is to buy some time and diffuse the situation and people's anger..Now they are just waiting for this matter to become cold.. We all know 2 facts- Time is the biggest healer (in this case healer for congress reputation) and Memory of Indian masses is very short.. Now they are just waiting for opportunity.. Unfortunately in our country due to different religion, region, and cast etc people have different priority so it becomes easy to divide and rule (misrule)!!!! They have already got one when Annaji supported Modi (I am a staunch supporter of Modi) When I read about Annaji praising Modi , immediately I realized that this movement against corruption is going to lose its one fraction of support..Another move of congress that is gradually becoming obvious (media sponsored) by gradual shift in view of media as they have started questioning the legitimacy of this kind of hunger strike and its effect on constitutional right of parliament and on so called peoples chosen representatives.. And raising questions of nepotism in the committee with appointment of Prashant Bhushan and Shanti Bhushan (though they both are reputed and knowledgeable Lawyers so both deserve to be a part of committee, so this issue doesn't make any sense).. So congress move is swift and cunning.. I have no hesitation in saying that to get this bill drafted, passed and implemented is going to be a tough and long journey!!
Will help u in any possible ways… will Make people aware of the facts… And Sir now I believe that Anna has given birth to lacs of Annas in India.. Common man is with you…
the representatives of the civil society are not good actors and they lack the experience of the politicians to tackle the crooked questions of the media…
Though it is possible to guess this, except one example abt what Annaji said and expressing fears of what is likely out come, the article doesnot substantiate its version. Lets hope the author is wrong.
yes, i totally agree with Mayank, once when the Bill comes in force the so called whilte collared people, who are drowned in bribery cases , where ever they are, in whatever government or private departments, inititally they will be stubborn in there approach, because practice dies hard, but once when they find it really tough going , either they will increase the percentage or they may recruit middle man.So what i mean we have to be ever alert and see that no one sabotaged it, IAC members , mind it we all have to be alert and work in tandem with all the departments
I think every bit of negative comment to Jan Lok Bill is welcome and we should respond to it logically and rationally
Agreed..rightly anticipated in advance and very well articulated. In fact this has been started , all these who are seeing this denger of the Lokpal perticularly those who Anna has been naming and openly naming are working day and night for maing strategy. And the first show of the new drama has been the case of Anupan kher..who has been framed by commenting anti-constitutional, protesters were sent to his house, media is probably warned to mute and they went on to pass some previllege motion on maharastra assemly and he is issues notice. see how some ministers are behaving and yelling at the media in defense of their beloved leader who is a well know c*** and leader in maharastra. This show their frustration, helpness of not being able to fight with Anna dn instead targetting those people who openly supported the campaign…you yourself can check out what he said here at – This is very serious and no print media has highlighted this in MH..shame on these people…
So, Janata…beware of such things….thier last weapon is divide and rule…like what happened with followers of Gandhiji and Ambedkar during independance.. the minister is is openly naming those organisations and instigating followers of Ambedkar. And these people do not have right to talk about constitution…they think only politicians elected by manipulations better understand the constitution.. he is simply saying those who wants to protest and fight can only do by electing from some constitution and then only do whatever , otherwise no one has right to talk about these menance
Agree with Dr.Rajiv here, the govt's primary tactic seems to be buying more time. Remember the Telengana issue, the same thing happend.
Even if they manage to draft the bill together i wonder how the rest of the politicians would allow it to pass through the parliament. Almost all of them would lose their primary motivation for joining politics in the first place.
This is very important issue raised by you. Kapil Sibbal & Rashid Alvi have already started to take advantage of what Annaji said about the governance of Gujrat & Bihar being run by the BJP. We really need to counter attack the tactics of the Govt. and its allies. The ways suggested by u I think r right steps in that direction.
Everybody should make a donation to India Against Corruption and take a receipt of the money. Use it for tax rebate under 80G. All this is accounted for. With enough money, the organization will be able to arrange for travel, mass campaigns, repay loans etc. They should not have shortage of money at least. We should also give our time and personal support. So now is the time to put your money where your heart is.
good one sir. Indians should unitedly fight for lokpal bill. Now or Never
Very well written thoughts.
Apart from this, I think the problem with ruling party is that Anna has left no space for the credit for the work they have (and will have) to do. It hurts their standing, their votes. PM Manmohan Singh was turned villain from an educated economic reformist in just 4 days.
I somehow feel that the problems could be lessened if we let them take some of the credit. It wouldn't affect IAC as the sole objective is to get the bill passed. Now as everything has been finalized, some positive comments from IAC are required to make environment more conductive.